Friday, July 3, 2009

Flying, just because I can!

So, I guess I lied a little about never spending any more money at Hillsboro Aviation. I needed to fly, so over the past month or so, I grabbed a few hours in the sky with their helicopters.

Anyway, had some fantastic flights. Nothing fancy, just tooling around up there flying one of the most complex machines man has ever dreamed up. :)

Look, let me be clear on one thing.  I don't resent HAI, I don't hate them. Really.  They taught me an incredible skill.  They taught me well.  The school is filled with excellent CFIs.  My issue comes in where they decided to rotate out the high-time instructors.  Just makes no sense for people at the end of their Commercial training. 

If you have questions... ask, I'd be happy to explain further.

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