Friday, February 5, 2010

Filling in the history...

As you will see, there is a horrendous gap between May 2009 and February 2010.  I have been flying, studying, and testing all during that period, but had not blogged about it.

Lots of reasons, honestly. Some to "protect" people involved and to not hurt any feelings, and well, I just ran low on time.  Family, work, and life take precedence over blogging and they got the attention.

Now, I'll go back in and fill in some of the empty space.  I plan to back-date the entries to approximately the same time I would have made them.  One of the great benefits of having a pilot log book... I know exactly what I did on any given flight day.  I'll mark them with the "backdate" label, and also mention it at the top of the entry.

Enjoy, and please feel free to ask any/all questions - as usual.

1 comment:

Alan said...


Congrats on the CFI checkride. I had Ron for my ride also, and went through the exact same process. I explained way too much detail and got the relative wind fist too. Definitely cool to see the cranes when you're all finished.
