Friday, February 15, 2008

Stage 1 Ground - Review

Today I actually had a flight scheduled, but as Murphy would have it, I'm sick. I really should not be flying right now. So, we opted for a review ground lesson of stage 1 topics. I didn't ACE it, but it was pretty damn close. I need to re-review my emergency procedures... I fumbled through those. And, I actually forgot to study a particular topic Hypoxia and the effects on a pilot. So, we'll do that right here, right now:

  • Oxygen deficiency
  • Signs: Headache, Dizziness, Visual Impairment, Blue-ish lips, Tingling sensation
  • 4 Types:
  1. Hypoxic Hypoxia: Lack of sufficient oxygen in the air. High altitude, etc.
  2. Hypemic Hypoxia: Inability for blood to carry sufficient oxygen. Sick, low blood volume, etc.
  3. Stagnant Hypoxia: Poor blood circulation not carrying sufficient oxygen through body.
  4. Histoxic Hypoxia. Blood unable to absorb sufficient oxygen through alcohol or drug use.

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