Thursday, January 24, 2008

61N, you are on my list!

Punk-ass 61N. No flight today because the punk wouldn't start. Totally killed the battery (which was almost dead already) trying to start it. Called line service to help jump it... and that failed too.

It sucks to be grounded by weather, but it happens and you can't do anything about it. To be grounded because the machine won't start... that just burns.


jerrymtman said...

You tell 'em, Sylvester!! Might help if you kicked ol' 61 in the Thingamabob.


Anonymous said...

An Andy Rooney "didja" -- Didja ever wonder why most light helicopters don't have auxilliary power ports like most airplanes do? That way the line people could just come over with the power cart and plug you in.

A dead battery is generally caused by some moron leaving the master on and walking away. There's a good trick I learned from my partner Dennis R. (who has about a bizillion hours in both fixed- and rotary-). He always leaves the anticollision strobe switched on. If you do that and forget the master, you'll see the strobe if you glance back at the ship. I figure Dennis is a pretty smart guy so I religiously leave the strobe on too! :)