Saturday, October 27, 2007

Wind+ Hover = Frustration

Flight #: 008
CFI: Kristie H.
Aircraft: Robinson R22 Beta II
Aircraft ID: N2548S
Duration: 1.3hrs
Cumulative Time: 7.3hrs

Alpha patterns & hovering again. But this time, with a pretty steady 7-10 knot winds... hovering was a %!^@#. Pendular motion all over the place. It's a shame the helicopter does not respond to intense squeezing pressure on the cyclic. I definitely have a, as Kristie calls it, "death grip" when I get into rough motion.

We happened to be practicing near the end of runway 30 where there is a large (25ft high) rock and stone noise abatement wall. I did fine hovering when in the lee of this wall, but pop up a little to high, and it was all over.

Frustrating day... but I suppose it is all practice and it is real to have wind.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The death grip is a phase that everybody goes thru. I used to get real tight on the pedals too. I found it helped, when I started tensing up like that, to just tell myself to relax, relax, relax...

When your brains makes all the hover connections, you'll find that the wind doesn't make all that much difference, although you do need to be aware of the direction for possible LTE.

I think my learning to hover was as frustrating for my CFI as it was for me!