Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Supervised Solo - Wind FAIL

Flight #: 046
CFI: Kristie H.
Aircraft: Robinson R22 Beta II
Aircraft ID: N2356T
Duration: 0.8hrs
Cumulative Time: 50.2hrs

Friggin wind!

I'm allowed to only fly a solo, at this point, if the wind is under 5 knots. And, it was... when we left the ramp. We bolted over to Charlie pattern, did a few circuits and set down on the taxiway. Kristie had her foot out of the door, ready to leave me to my solo, when the tower came on with "Wind 260 at 7".


It was just 3. No way. As I went down to listen to the ATIS weather frequency, they came back on with "Wind 260 at 9".


And that was the end of the supervised solo.

Punk ass wind. You suck.

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